Tuesday, December 18, 2012

ketchup and mustard

I'm ready for this week to be over. Two people of 4-person team were pulled into a different department so now we have to cover their duties as well so this week has been a little (a lot) hectic. We're also supposed to get a huge snow storm tomorrow - gross. I seriously hate snow so I ask myself why I live in this state every winter.

The good news is once Friday comes, I get to fly off to the Gulf for a week to spend time with the entire family. Plus Chris will finally be home for a while :) God I've missed that guy.

linking up with wiww.

Sweater: Thrifted  {save / splurge}
T-Shirt: Gap
Scarf: DIY
Belt: Madewell  {similar}
Jeans: Joe's Jeans  {similar}
Shoes: Tory Burch  {exact}
Watch: Boccia
Nails: Deborah Lippmann Stormy Weather {exact}

After my last post about my thrifted Grandpa sweater (did you guys like the song?), Bri asked if I had any tips for thrifting.  To be honest, I haven't done a ton of thrift shopping in my life so I don't have years of experience to tell you how the best way to go about buying clothes second hand. I've only gone to our local Goodwill, Savers and St. Vinny's but here are a few things I've learned from those experiences and from around the internet:

- Take your time. The thing with thrift stores is that there is no display or giant racks of the same thing. Look through each rack piece by piece.

- Try on anything that catches your attention. You'll never know until you try!

- Find out when your local stores have discounts. Our Savers store is 25% off on Mondays. Goodwill has weekend sticker percentages off. St. Vinnys often has a certain type of item on sale. A $4 sweater becomes a $3 - we all know how much I love a bargain!

- Don't forget to wash anything you buy. 

- For all your experienced thrifters, I would welcome any tips you have as well!