Today is the first day of 5 Days, 5 Ways (#5D5W) and I'm so excited to see all the different ways you have worn tops in your closet. I initially wanted to have my item be my J.Crew leopard button up. I don't wear it a lot because I think it's kind of loud, and I wasn't sure really how to not look like Peg Bundy wearing it. I think by also adding interest to the bottom half of this outfit with these green pants that it somewhat balances out the loudness of the shirt. But because I haven't worn the leopard shirt a lot, I figured my black cardigan was a great 5 Days, 5 Ways item to showcase instead.
Blouse: J.Crew [save | extreme splurge]
Cardigan: Old Navy [similar]
Pants: The Limited [exact]
Shoes: Tory Burch [exact]
Belt: J.Crew [similar]
Watch: Target
Bracelet: Forever 21
Nails: Essie Fifth Avenue
After these pictures were taken, I re-tied the belt so it didn't look so...phallic.
And for the 5 ways I've worn this black cardigan:

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Franish" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Franish" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
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