On the other hand, I think having a dress code has been a great learning experience for myself, and many of my classmates. Before I started school, I didn't really have much "professional" clothing. I had "nice" clothing, but nothing that would be considered appropriate to wear to a hospital. The nice thing about these two years of pre-clinical schooling is that it gives you time to build up that wardrobe. I still currently get away with less professional clothing because it "follows the rules" but I won't be able to wear some of the outfits I do now starting next June.
I've been very aware of that fact, so I've been trying to keep my monthly purchases more on the conservative side. I ordered this pencil skirt a few days ago during a 30% off sale (in black) so I'm patiently waiting for it to arrive - I don't know how I've managed to go over a year without actually owning a black pencil skirt! My friend Serine also wore the cutest outfit the other week with grey slacks, and it made me keenly aware that not only do I only own one pair of truly hospital appropriate pants (I'm told ankle pants are still a bit iffy), but that I don't even have any grey bottoms. I went on a bit of a internet hunt for grey slacks, and there are surprisingly few options out there. I couldn't find any I liked from Ann Taylor, Banana, J.Crew, or Loft. I did end up ordering this pair from The Limited (along with two other pairs that didn't work out at all) but I'm still on the fence about them. I really like the color, but I feel the fabric is a bit too thin so it looks wrinkly (even though I ironed them) and shows any signs of pulling (which I feel comes with any pair of pants, but is more apparent with this fabric). I was told by a Limited employee that you can return pants to them even if you removed the tags and washed them, so I think I'm going to give them another shot (and maybe it's just these pictures, because I didn't feel like this when I just wore them) and if I'm still on the fence, I'll continue the search.
Sweater: Banana Republic Outlet
Pants: The Limited [exact]
Scarf: gift from my girl Lizzi :)
Belt: Gap [very similar]
Shoes: J.Crew Factory [exact]
Watch: Michael Kors [target save || exact]