7:05: I wake up 5 minutes before my alarm goes off - a fun new habit I've developed. CR has already been at the hospital for two hours at this point, probably cursing the fact that I'm just now rolling out of bed ;)
7:20: After checking my emails and various social medias, I finally get out of bed, make it, and then get in the shower. Luckily it's not a hair washing day - I just hate wasting all that time and fussing with it. Thank God for
dry shampoo!
7:30: Out of the shower and into my robe. Time to slap some makeup on this face. I'm still obsessed with the
Better than Sex mascara - it's a game changer for sure.
7:43: As good as it's going to get today.
7:45: Time for the puppies to go out and play. Our backyard (!!!) is only partially fenced in (for now), so the dogs go out one at a time on the lead. Hans loves nothing more than to just sit outside and sun himself, while Baer just sits at the door and waits for someone to tell him what to do.
8:05: We are back to sticking to
the 4 Hour Body after about 6 weeks off during the last part of board studying. For breakfast I made eggs, beans, avocado, and turkey sausage. I could seriously eat this meal every single day. While I eat I also read my daily good morning note :)
8:10: I pick out something to wear, and quickly try to do my hair. Nothing is really cooperating, so I just pin it back.
8:20: Now that CR and I are on different schedules, he can't take my pictures anymore. I ordered
this tripod off of Amazon, as well as
this remote, and am back to taking my own pictures. Luckily we still have the weekends because I think pictures always turn out better when he takes them!
8:25: After I finish taking pictures, I realize that I didn't wear any lipstick, but I don't have time to redo the pictures. Then I run around my house for a few more minutes because I can't find my phone nor my keys (both were in my robe pockets for some reason). I hate running around like that right before leaving.
8:40: Finally on the road to work. I'm running behind now thanks to the phone and key dilemma, which means no coffee stop for me :(
9:00: Get to work! I'm working with the nurse practitioner for the most part as the doctor is in and out throughout the morning. For the next ~ 4 hours, we see three poison ivy cases, two cases of anxiety, and probably close to ten patients who need their hypertension or diabetes medication filled. I find out that the patient I had diagnosed yesterday with appendicitis actually did have appendicitis, which means I have made my first real official diagnosis by myself!

12:45: Drug reps come to the office almost every single day, which is awesome for two reasons. One, I get free lunch three times a week, and coffee on the other days. The other reason is because I actually learn about real drugs during this time. During the first two years of school we learn about all the different classes of drugs, but we are learning the basics - what it is, how it works, and the side effects. We don't learn the brand names, the dosing, and what kind of insurance will take it - the parts that actually affect the patient. So not only do I get food, but I also learn about the other side of pharmaceuticals, which I think is so helpful at the early point of clinical rotations.
1:00: Back to it. I get to go in a few exam rooms by myself...to diagnose more poison ivy. I also help freeze off a few warts, and help a man with lower back problems. And then more diabetes and hypertension medication refills ;)
3:05: All done!
3:06: Snack time! My lunch was small (and the wrong order), so I'm extra hungry today. I keep these spicy peanuts in my bag, which is the perfect salty snack that prevents me from going through every single drive-through on my way home.
3:35: As soon as I get home, I do a bit of house cleaning. Because I have the much easier schedule this month, I'm taking responsibilities for the house and animals. I sweep the floors, and vacuum (while scaring the animals - look at Hans hiding!). I finish folding the clothes in the laundry, and do the dishes. Our house is pretty small, so this doesn't take very long, but makes such a difference!
3:50: I change into
my favorite workout capris and
tank top, and hop back into my car. I chug a bottle of water while driving because I haven't had nearly enough water today.
4:15: Time for Pure Barre! This is my fifth class, and I'm starting to get a hang of everything. I'm getting to the point where I'm looking forward to class and now hoping to see changes in my body within the next few weeks. Lift, tone, burn, amiright?!
5:15: Shit, that was hard.
5:30: I get home at the same time as CR, and since we are both hungry, we split a quest bar (we order
the variety pack and it lasts quite a bit since we both only have one or two a week). We talk a bit about our days, and what kinds of things we got to do that day.
5:45: CR goes out to mow the lawn (he doesn't want our neighbors to judge us for having an unkept yard) while I start dinner - we're having shish kabobs so I cut up all the vegetables and meat and stick them onto those little wooden sticks that are sure to burn off.
6:00: All done! Aren't they pretty? My parents got us a grill as a house warming gift, and we've made it a point to use it almost every single night so far. It's so nice to have a new way of cooking our food!
6:15: Dinner time! We sit outside, and talk some more about our day and the upcoming weekend. We are waiting for our loan checks to come in next week before we buy an outside patio set, so we just sit on plastic chairs for now. After dinner, CR finishes the lawn while I clean up in the kitchen, and feed the zoo (ie the cat who has been meowing incessantly and the dogs).
7:00: CR has a bit of a sweet tooth, and so when he asked to walk down a few blocks to the local ice cream shop, I couldn't refuse my hard working boyfriend! We got him a double scoop turtle ice cream and I may or may not have stolen a spoonful or two ;)
7:45: After the walk back, we spend some time doing work, which for me means blogging and for him means working on a research paper. We have cable now, so He's Just Not That Into You plays in the background. I just love that movie.
9:45: We are slowly trying to catch back up on Game of Thrones, so we start watching the second episode of the season. I've been trying so hard to avoid any spoilers, so don't tell me all the gruesome things that happen!
10:15: I notice that CR is struggling to stay awake - I don't know how he even has his eyes open at this point since he's been up since 4 and has to get back up again at 4. I insist we stop the show and just go to bed, and he obviously doesn't really resist the suggestion.
Day in Review
hours slept: 8
hours exercised: 1
meals cooked: 2
hours studied: 0
steps walked: 6190
patients seen on my own: 3