I didn't really love the look of the Huntress, their rainboots made for large calves just because I have calves that are slightly larger than average, but I don't really need wide calf boots either. Luckily for me, the sales associate told me that Hunter makes a style that isn't sold as widely that looks like their normal boots, but has an adjustable back. I was, of course, thrilled.
Since then, I have worn these boots more than just about any other pair of shoes I own. If you too love the look of Hunters but maybe don't have the thinnest of calves, I highly suggest checking out the adjustable pairs. The only drawback is that they come in just a few colors - I would love to own a shiny red pair, but they just don't make them. How do we go about lobbying for more colors? ;)
Blouse: J.Crew [exact]
Sweater: Aritizia
Vest: J.Crew Factory [exact]
Jeans: Gap [very similar]
Boots: Hunter [exact]
On a different, slightly more angry note, I have to be honest and say I am SO disappointed in the sweater I bought from Aritizia. I followed the washing instructions exactly, and it still shrunk and has starting pilling terribly. I'm like actually pretty upset by this - $100 is a huge amount of money to pay for something that falls apart after wearing it one time. I tried wearing it on the day I took these pictures in hopes that it would stretch out again, and as you can see...it didn't. I've tried all the tricks to make it go back to what it was before, but it hasn't work. Expensive lesson learned.