Sunday, March 13, 2016

top three [03.13.2016]

I love her
  • There has been a huge increase in the number of twin births in the US in the past two decades. Monozygotic (identical) twins are formed when one egg is fertilized by one sperm, followed by an error in cleavage, but the exact mechanism of why this happens is unknown. Experts think it may be caused by decrease in tubal motility - oral contraception are actually a known cause for decreased tubal motility, and it has been shown that if a woman gets pregnant within three months of stopping her oral birth control, she has a higher chance of having twins! #twinning
  • Y'all know I love #VeraTheUterus, but the uterus is really such a cool organ! When there isn't a baby in there, it can actually be quite small - we saw one the size of a quarter this week (granted, this patient had not had children), but immediately post birth, it is basically the size of a small cantaloupe. I tried to find pictures to show the difference, but I'll spare you.
  • This is your friendly biannual reminder that if you have had a regular pap in the past, please remember that you need one every three years if you are between 21-29, and should get co-tested every 5 years if you are over 30. Cervical cancer has gone from being one of the most prevalent cancers to being one that can be caught early, so please make sure you see your doctor on a regular basis :)

on the internet

  • The 70 degree weather this week (now we're back to snow flakes...) made me realize that once again, I don't know how to dress in warm weather. All I know is that simple dresses, like this beautiful wrap one from Boden (I want the navy spotted version) are what gets me through. I did end up ordering it yesterday (I used the code 6A8F to get 20% off!)
  • I've been eyeing this scalloped tote for months now...and now it's 25% off! Pink or aqua? 
  • My pearl necklace is one of my favorites, so maybe a larger abstract version would be fun to have too?

ask me anything
  • I have always wanted to start writing a blog, but I worry about the conflict with my professional life (I'm a PA student). I'm a pretty open book, and would love to share some of my life experiences, but I realize that anything you put on the internet is open for criticism. Do you ever refrain from posting something because you feel it could negatively affect your career? 
    • I refrain from posting stuff all the time. There are so many things I wish I could share with you guys, but like you said, there are things that could negatively affect my career if I started sharing the pictures and stories I have. I always aim to be professional, kind, and gracious on here because that's how I try to be in real life too. I also always remind myself that I'm sharing my story, rather than my patients' stories - so I tell you guys about what I learned this week or what skills I practiced, but I don't share specifics about a patient or their life stories. Those aren't mine to tell. I think having a blog as a student is a wonderful hobby to have, and I think you can definitely share your own experiences without sharing too much of things that don't belong on the internet!
  • So we know you're applying to become an OBGYN, and you're doing a couples match, but what is CR hoping to become? Will it really mean you are on wildly different schedules all the time?
    • CR is going into family medicine! There will be times in our future where we will have wildly different schedules, mostly during residency. Between 24 hours shifts, various time shifts in the ER/ICU, night float, and various call schedules, our work schedules won't always line up. Not to get ahead of ourselves, but post residency, life should settle down a bit as he will have a fairly stable(ish) schedule. We knew all this going in, and luckily we are both fairly independent people, so hopefully we will be able to make it work. 
  • Can you help me find a good patterned (floral?) wrap maxi dress. I'm attending a wedding this spring that I really want this style dress.

on franish

notable sales

  • This was my first week back on OB and it was so good. I got to help deliver three babies with my attending, and then delivered a baby completely on my own (the baby came much quicker than anticipated!). I also got to assist in several c-sections and hysterectomies - all really routine things, but things I was excited to be a part of every day. 
  • Yesterday I walked/ran a 5K with my attending from my last rotation. Working with her, and having her take us students in so warmly is something I am so thankful, and something I'll remember if I have students working with me some day. 
  • Today I'm spending the day at Ikea (my friend wants to do a bunch of Ikea hacks!) and the mall - I'm just excited to get some flowers at Trader Joes (..and maybe a pastry or two from my favorite bakery!)...and meatballs from Ikea, obviously. Hope you are having a good Sunday!