We started the day with brunch at Le Manhattan Bistro, a really cute French-themed restaurant in Wilkes-Barre. We both got the Kodiak Eggs Benedict, which was eggs benedict on top of crab cakes - they were amazing. Then we spent the next few hours just exploring the town and catching up on everything going on in our lives - we group text all the time, but it's so much better when you get to catch up in real life. For this part of the day, I wore this comfy cardigan from Kohl's - it was perfect for layering and kept me warm in the cooler temperatures. I also am in love with my new purse - it's from Lauren Conrad's LC Runway collection, and is made out of real leather. Her purse collection actually has some really beautiful pieces if you haven't checked it out yet (I currently have my eye on their larger leather tote). After our walk, we went and got our nails done - it's kind of our thing that we do every time we are together. I'm in the clinic for the rest of this rotation, so I'm able to finally wear nail polish again!
Sweater: Apt. 9 c/o Kohl's [exact]
Blouse: Apt. 9 c/o Kohl's [exact]
Pants: LC Lauren Conrad c/o Kohl's [exact -fits TTS (I'm wearing a 12tall)]
Purse: LC Lauren Conrad c/o Kohl's [exact]
Booties: LC Lauren Conrad c/o Kohl's [exact]
After our manicures, we drove over to the Seven Tubs Nature Area for a little hike. It's about a 2 mile hike around a waterfall and "tubs" filled with water. The whole time we were there, we were wishing we had our puppies with us because they would have loved it. It was basically the perfect fall weather, and the leaves were just at the sweet spot of changing. It was just so nice to be outside and enjoying the fall with someone else! For this part of the day, I changed into some more hiking-appropriate clothes, including these amazing mesh paneled running leggings, Nike shoes, and utility jacket.
Jacket: Madden Girl c/o Kohl's [exact]
Pants: Fila Sport c/oKohl's [exact]
Shoes: Nike c/o Kohl's [exact]
Scarf: similar
Watch: similar
Water bottle: Godinger c/o Kohl's [exact]
In the end, it was exactly what I needed to get over the occasional loneliness I've been experiencing periodically during this period in school. We enjoyed delicious food and the fall weather, and walked over 14,000 steps! Basically the perfect autumn day :)