Friday, January 27, 2017

closet inventory, 2017

In 2014, I posted my first closet inventory post. I found it a pretty enlightening experience - I had more clothes than I really thought, and looking at those pictures now, I was barely wearing most of the items in that closet anyway. Isn't it interesting how our style changes over time? This was at the end of my first year of medical school, so I was still trying to make the clothes from my "previous life" work for my new "professional clothing requiring" life.

We moved between second and third year of school to a smaller older home than I was living in for the first two years. I have much less closet space here - here's my post from when we first moved in 2015. Our house is quite small (around 800 square feet) so I had to make my closet work for me by putting in a second half bar on the bottom, and putting up small shelves on the side for my shoes. It's definitely not gorgeous, but it works for now (but you better believe that one of the things I'll be looking for in our house next year is good closet space!). I use wood hangers because I like that it forces me stick to a certain amount of clothing, and I think it also helps prevent clothes from getting lost like I feel they might with thinner hangers.

So here are the current numbers for the items in my closet! I'm at 153 items now, down from 202 in 2014!

Tops: 72 (78)
Sleeveless: 8 (5)
Tees: 7 (13)
Long-sleeved shirts: 5 (7)
Blouses/Button-ups: 29 (28)
Cardigans: 3 (3)
Sweaters: 10 (11) 
Vests: 1 (2)
Blazers: 9 (9)

Bottoms: 32 (33)
Jeans: 6 (6)
Colored denim: 3 (3)
Dress Pants: 7 (8)
Shorts: 4 (6)
Skirts: 12 (10)

Dresses: 23 (25)

Shoes: 26 (34)
Flats: 11 (17)
Heels: 4 (8)
Sandals: 5 (5)
Boots: 6 (4)