Saturday, April 8, 2017

healthyish, vol. 15

15 weeks in, and I finally hit the 10 pound mark! I am very excited about this milestone. This whole process was definitely about taking it slow and steady, and while some weeks were more slow than others, I'm proud of myself for really sticking with it! The work outs really just are a normal part of my week now, and every week I'm excited to find a new way to incorporate veggies and proteins into my diet. I have been far from perfect - you guys know that I love to eat, especially while traveling and spending time with friends, but it's this series that has made me come back to the cleaner eating part every week.

Monday: 1 hour spin class
Wednesday: 1 hour spin class
Thursday: 30 minute circuit training at Planet Fitness
Saturday: 1 hour spin class

This week, CR brought me a package of lobster cakes, and OMG, they were so good! One cake is 190 calories, so I squished it down to make it a larger patty, and added two poached eggs, and that combo was so filling and protein filled that I always made it to lunch without needing a snack! They definitely aren't going to be a weekly occurrence, but at least once in a while! I met CR for lunch one day, and we had our go-to burrito bowls from Chipotle. I made a big casserole dish of the cheesy "potatoes" (that are actually cauliflower) and just basically ate that all week - it is so so good, and I plan on making it just about every other week from here on out. Dinners included our first attempt at making salmon at home - we tried out this recipe, but put the salmon in a packet instead of on the grill (it turned out okay, but will try something else next time). Also grilled chicken and salmon, and made a dinner of hamburger patties + a fried egg with roasted brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes when my best friend was here for a night.


Last week's goal was to cut back on sugar. I was pretty good about this this week! We did order Girl Scout cookies from our friend's god daughter, so I allowed myself to have one at the end of every day, but besides that, I didn't eat any other sugary goodies!

I'm making this next week's goal as well. It was really good to be mindful of the sugar, and it clearly made a difference for me, so I'm going to stick with the same goal for next week!


I ordered these customized tennis shoes three months ago, and they have been sitting under my bed since then, waiting for me to hit the 10 pound milestone. I just love them! You can see what they look like here!

weigh in: - 0.6 lbs (total: 10 lbs!)