Monday, May 22, 2017

the numbers of medical school

2: the number of times I applied to medical school

1084: the number of miles I drove in 36 hours to interview at what is now my school

1: the number of medical school acceptances you need that will completely change your life

6: the number of weeks of funemployement I took before starting school

4: the number of times I cried when I drove from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania 

3: the number of boxes of items I had shipped to my new house in PA - I brought everything else with me in my car...including my dogs and a vacuum cleaner

3: the number of anatomy lab partners I had

1: the number of anatomy lab partners I ended up getting engaged to

1368: the number of pages of Robbins that I read

9: the number of pets we had between me and my 4 girlfriends (4 dogs, 2 horses, 2 guinea pigs, 1 cat)

3: the number of all nighters I pulled

3: the number of all nights that were unnecessary

6: the number of weeks I boiled and scrubbed a skull for my research project

36: the number of books I purchased on Amazon

147: the number of days I studied straight without a night or weekend off

1: the  number of abscesses I incised while the residents stood back to avoid the spray

2: the number of gallbladders I got to cut open to "play" with stones

3:15: the earliest I had to wake up to get to work

3055: the amount of dollars I spent on boarding exams (so far)

3: the number of pairs of shoes I went through before finding ones I really love (these ones, btw)

2: the amount of babies I completely delivered on my own, from pushing to baby

665: the amount of dollars I spent to apply to residency

50: the number of programs we applied to

16: the number of weeks I didn't live at home

7: the number of months CR and I lived apart

4739: the number of miles I drove for residency interviews

1311: the number of ObGyn spots there were in the country this year

9: the number of unfilled ObGyn spots this year

1: the number on our rank list that we matched to

102: the number of exams I have taken over the past four years

23: the number of months of clinical rotations I have been on

29,505: the amount of interest my debts have accrued

1399: the number of days between our first day and our last

1399: the number of days I've been thankful I was allowed to do this